Sunday, September 12, 2010

Anti Aging Skin Care and Mineral Makeup

Find the anti aging skin care products that will blast those wrinkles, fine lines, age spots and discolorations!'
Mineral makeup is one such product. Without aggravating skin further, it helps to hide imperfections of all sorts. It is like an instant anti wrinkle cream! Only in powder form!
When considering what anti aging skin care to buy, you might not have considered makeup. But it can greatly increase your self-esteem, while smoothing out the appearance of fine lines.
First off, I'd like to start buy saying that you should use a good anti wrinkle cream of some sort. I am a natural ingredient lover, so I recommend simple, natural oils, butters and hydrators. They really work the best. I recommend avoiding the latest and greatest anti aging skin care product as most of them don't do much for the money involved. The companies are selling hope, not results.
Good oils to look for include: emu, coconut, castor, sunflower, squalane, olive oil, nut and seed oils, etc...
Good butters include shea butter, kokum butter, mango butter, cocoa butter, etc...
Hydrators are ingredients like water, aloe vera and vegetable glycerin.
You can buy these combined in a cream form, or just use each ingredient alone. Apply at night after cleansing and lightly in the morning before applying your mineral makeup. Allow to soak in for a few minutes, then buff on your makeup.
Mineral makeup , when worn daily, will be a great skin protector. The delicate skin on your face needs protection against the elements.
For specifics on applying mineral makeup to skin prone to wrinkling, check out our Mineral Foundation page.
Basically, you want to avoid applying TOO much makeup to wrinkly areas... buff it on really well with your kabuki brush until you achieve a smooth look.
Tips for avoiding wrinkles:
-sleep on your back, not your side or stomach. Scrunching your face into your pillow at night will lead to more wrinkles. Avoid 8 hours (daily!) of smooshing your face, by simply sleeping on your back.
-following the same principle, don't squish your face into your hands during the day. Begin to watch how often you rub your face and lay your head onto your desk, etc.
-a favorite trick of mine is to pour a spoonful of powdered milk into a bowl and add just enough water till it forms a milky consistency. Then apply that to clean, dry skin and allow to dry. Your face will be stiff and you will be shocked at how often you make facial expressions. I noticed even while watching tv alone, I was making many facial expressions, which over time will result in wrinkles. I don't recommend walking around with a poker face! That wouldn't be a life at all! This is just a great experiment to show you how often you move your face unnecessarily. Try to then avoid moving your face during those times.
-apply frequent masks to help keep your skin at its optimal moisture balance. You can buy a good, natural mask specifically for mature skin, but make sure all the ingredients are natural. Or you can make your own mask... there are many varieties and combinations. Any ingredient that is rich and creamy and perhaps with good oils in it, will work. Think: avocado, banana, oatmeal, whole milk, etc. Just mush up and apply to skin for about 15 minutes.
- never use drying cleansers. Stick to a good cream-based cleanser if you are not prone to breakouts, or use a good, natural soap if you are prone to breakouts.
-keep your skin moisturized at all times, allowing only a once-per-month skin rest. To do this, simply cleanse your face at night, and then go to bed with nothing on your face. This will allow your skin to breathe and rest. Other than that, though, apply a natural, rich cream, oil or butter to your skin, as mentioned earlier, both morning and night.
-switch your anti aging skin care routine from time to time. I recommend doing this about every month or so. Your skin gets "used to" certain ingredients and benefits from frequent changes.
-avoid tanning your face. I love the sun. I love tanning. I love being a rich, dark, bronzey brown. However, I never tan my face. I simply use a natural sunless tanner on my face, and then tan the rest of my body. This helps to prevent wrinkles on my face, while still allowing my body to get the necessary vitamin D and cancer-fighting properties of the sun. (Remember when tanning, though, to never burn. This is damaging. You can tan either in the real sun (best) or a tanning bed.)
-give yourself frequent, gentle facial massages by tapping onto your skin before falling asleep. This will help to stimulate blood flow to the area, which results in healthier skin.
-never pull, tug or rub your face. Always be very gentle as the skin on your face is delicate, especially around the eye area.
-to make your skin look plumper and smoother, apply a rich oil to your skin after cleansing in the morning. WITHOUT waiting for it to soak in as I usually recommend, immediately apply your loose powder mineral makeup and swirl really well. Set with a mineral makeup finishing powder . This will give a soft, smooth look to your face and help fine lines disappear.
In summary, use only natural ingredients as your anti aging skin care regime. Experiment till you find a product you like and give your skin frequent rests and changes.

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